Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's a Boy!

Like all moms-to-be, Ashley wondered if her baby would ever arrive. The only day she wanted to avoid--Halloween!  Luckily, the phone didn't ring that day.  But we did get the good news on Election Day, November 4.  The little guy's name . . . Chase Samuel Taylor.   Chase is our third grandchild, and like Halle and Audrey, we know he will fill our life with all that is good.  

During the days that Mom, Dad, and baby Chase stayed at the hospital, Craig and I kept Halle busy by shopping at her favorite store Hello Kitty, playing with Cocoa, going to the Jazz game, eating hot dogs (surprisingly, her favorite food), and watching every grandparent's favorite show "Little Einstein."  

Welcome Chase!


Dede said...

Finally a boy! Congrats

The Jolley Family said...

How exciting. Congratulations!

Jenn said...

Yea for Ashley and the Burrs, a boy! Sounds like everyone is healthy-- that's great. I don't know anything different than boys, but I think they're the greatest.

Autumn said...

Congrats on Chase, he is darling and has so much hair. I am glad everyone is doing well.

Adam and Dev said...

Congrats to your family- and a new grandson, how exciting! Hope you are all doing well! :)

Hone Family said...

Congrats on the new grandbaby, and congrats to Ashley. I hope you don't mind that I found your blog. It's good to see you guys are doing well up there but still there is no place like North Sevier. You can check us out at
Alicia (Mason) Hone

Misty said...

Congrats!! We wish we could create one of those around here but we're afraid it's just not going to happen. In fact I think we(Danyette, Brittnie & Myself) all feel that way. Oh well, what would we do without all of our beautiful little girls?!?

Bonny said...

Way to go Ashley! I know how excited you guys are to get another grandchild..They are wonderful aren't they! Congrats to you all.

Karli Barney said...

Congrats on the new grandson!He's beautiful! So happy to find your blog so we can keep in touch!

Hone Family said...

Hey its Alicia again... I am making my blog private and I would love to add you to our list so if you could get me your email address, that would be great you can leave a comment or email me

Marj said...

OK so I just want to start off and say hello its been a long time and Congrats on the new grandbaby. I was so excited to see your blog on here. I'm still trying to figure out my way around here but my 5 yr old can fly through the internet. I still feel like I am working on the old Apple computers in the middle school computer lab, if it could only be that easy. I miss the small little town of Salina and find myself wishing that I could go back all the time. I don't get back there as much as I wish I could. But its nice to see that you are doing good at Bingham High and that you miss NS. But I won't keep you I just wanted to say "Thank You." You are the reason why I am where I am today. Thanks...