Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All Aboard the Heber Creeper

Who: Ashley  Halle  Bethany  Audrey  Jackie
What: 2nd Annual Heber Creeper Getaway
When: July 16, 2008
Where: Heber City 
Why: It's tradition!

Today's "just-girls adventure" on the Heber Creeper couldn't have been better--perfect weather (80 degrees), almost-perfect ride (a staged train robbery scared the little girls when the villain shot his gun right next to us), and perfect location (Provo Canyon). We loved kickin' back on the two-hour ride and eating lunch in Heber City. Some of life's greatest moments are not so far from home!


Bethany said...

Audrey fell right to sleep after you left. I was not far behind her. We had a great time! Thank you.

Dede said...

Its so fun that you have a blog! The little girls are growing up way to fast but they sure are cute!

Ashley said...

Halle has been talking about those mean guys from the train all day! Will you email me your pictures from yesterday?

Jenn said...

I hope I waved to you if I passed you guys! We really enjoy the train. You'd think my boys would become a little less enthused by the sound of the whistle after hearing it multiple times a day. Their reactions are still the same. "Hear dat. . . Train!!!!"

What a fun tradition for the girls.

Dani said...

Hey- send me an email- so I can invite you to my blog. I'm trying to convince my mom to start blogging!

Kim said...

No, I don't mind that you've added me to your list of blogger friends, only if you let me add you to mine!
It'll be great to catch up on what your family's been doing through your blog! I'll be checking it often.

The Eborn Family said...

I love finding peoples blogs, and I am so glad you found mine :) It is so fun to catch up with what everyone is up too. I forgot what High School you teach for again, you will have to remind me?? I'll look for you during happy hour at Sonic :)

The Jolley Family said...

Hey Jackie! How are you? I'm glad you found me. It looks like you are having a great summer.

K'Brina Colby said...

I will just bet that you are the best grandma ever!! My girls love their grandma times.

Nicole said...

Yea, I'm so glad you have a blog and I'm glad you found mine. I've been seeing the commercials on tv about the train rides and I've been thinking I should take Maggie on one when she gets a little older. It looks like so much fun!! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my list of friends on my blog. Welcome to the blogging world. - Nicole