Thursday, July 3, 2008

Our Early Morning Bike Rides

Old habits never die!  For years, I have been getting up before the cock crows for one project or another--so now it's summer, and I thought to myself, I want to live the good life and "sleep in."  No such luck!  My internal clock still thrusts me out-of-bed, only there is nowhere to go, nothing to do.  So Craig and I resurrected the bikes and found an amazing trail near our home which follows the Jordan River.  The trail also loops around some marshlands with some amazing wildlife.  In fact, this morning we saw three deer and two raccoons, along with the hundreds of birds that migrate to the area. 

We're not die-hard bikers with helmets and skin-tight attire, but rather members of the "has been club" just getting some much-needed exercise.  So this week, I finally told Craig, "It's time we get you a new bike!" He'd been eyeing a Schwinn at Costco for over a month, and the fact that his old bike, another Schwinn, is the one he's owned since he was eight-years old (yes, that's true) finally convinced Craig that it's okay to buy him a "toy!"  Pictures will be coming. Those 5:30 a.m. shots might be a little scary!


Ashley said...

Sounds like fun! I don't think I'll be joining you at 5:30 though.

Janell said...

Get yourself a bike trailer and you can pull those granddaughters around. My twins are addicted to the bike trailer we bought last month.

Bethany said...

That sounds so fun! The good thing about riding a bike is that you don't have to be a diehard to enjoy it.

The Quarnbergs said...

It is so good to hear from you> I miss seeing you around. I should have known that you would still be getting up shortly after midnight! I could never do it to good. I see you are in Lehi-next time i come up for a couple days I'll look you up and we can lunch! Miss ya tons!

Dixon & Sadie said...

Jackie! That is so fun you have a blog!! It will be so fun to be able to see what you guys are up to! How are you guys doing? What are you up to? The biking sounds way fun!!! My family was always into biking (but they wore spandex, HA HA)!! I love to bike and that is such good exercise! Anyway! It was good to hear from you! We will have to stay in touch!

Autumn said...

I got to see everyone on the 4th of July but you. It was great to see Craig, Ryan, Devin and Audrey.

Rhi said...

Oh common, we want the "skin tight attire!"